
Party Season Outfit Planning

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I'll be the first to admit it, I am the fussiest party outfit shopper. The hours I've spent trawling the internet looking for outfits for the party season are too many to think about. So I've put together a collection of my favourite clothes, shoes, and accessories that I think would be perfect for Christmas parties. 

Top Row: 1 - Topshop, 2 - Miss Selfridge, 3 - Missguided
Bottom Row: 1 - Forever 21, 2 - Miss Selfridge, 3 - Pretty Little Thing
Nail Polish - Barry M, Necklace - Topshop, Lipstick - Topshop
Bag - Asos, Shoes - New Look

I hope this helps for any last-minute Christmas party shopping you're doing! 

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